MYLE TAP: Wearable Thought Catcher

A recent Indiegogo campaign has launched, introducing the world to its first “thought catcher” coined the MYLE TAP.  MYLE TAP is a touch-activated wearable voice recorder that helps users launch applications and take notes without having to touch one’s smartphone. In order to capture, users simply tap their wearable MYLE TAP voice recorder to instantly capture their thoughts […]

Monitor epilepsy and more with the Embrace Watch

Did you know 1 in every 26 Americans will experience epilepsy at some point in his or her life?  Further, today more than 65 million people are affected by epilepsy around the globe.  There may be several resources available to help warn these individuals of an oncoming seizure, but now there is a sleek, new wearable designed specifically for epilepsy (and more) called […]

Oomi: Smart Home. Simplified.

In previous blogs, I’ve discussed several smart home systems, a few examples being: Flic, Wink Hub, Reemo, and Z-Wave.  Now there is an even newer, “smarter” home automation system being introduced called Oomi.  If you’re looking for a home automation system, Oomi is “easy, fun, and there’s nothing else like it” available on the market.  So what […]

Eye-controlled wheelchair developed by teenagers

Two teenagers from Duisburg, Germany have built a system which enables a wheelchair to be controlled by eye movements.  The two teens, Myrijam Stoetzer, 14, and Paul Foltin, 15, were inspired by the EyeWriter Project, which was built for Tony Quan by his friends.  In 2003, Quan was diagnosed with ALS and now cannot move any […]

The Krabat Pilot Crawling Aid

For individuals with mobility impairments or developmental delays, the “simple” act of crawling may prove to be rather challenging.  The developers behind the Krabat Pilot acknowledge this and have thus created the unique crawling aid. Unlike traditional crawling aids, the Krabat Pilot provides sufficient active assistance lifting the hips.  According to Krabat’s website, “When a child receives […]

How to make your iOS device accessible

Since the birth of the iPhone over eight years ago, Apple has worked hard to make their devices as user-friendly as possible.  In order to reach the widest range of consumers, Apple’s products feature simple controls and interfaces on their iOS devices, as well as several accessibility features not commonly found on other smart devices. In […]