Ron Frye

Hearing a Better Life

In honor of World Hearing Day coming up on March 3, the INDATA Project is proud to present this story of a gentleman to whom we were able to provide better hearing care through our Alternative Financing Program (AFP). Meet Ron Frye Ron is a lifelong animal lover. In fact, one of the first epiphanies […]

Carol Loughlin using computer from INDATA

Consumer Highlight: Carol Loughlin

Carol Loughlin came from a family of educators and obtained a liberal education in college. Learning has always been important to her life and she worked in a small town outside of Indianapolis as a librarian for a few years but was unable to continue working there because of the limitations of her disability. She […]

Bob, Nancy, and Scout Butler sitting on couch

Consumer Highlight: Robert (Bob) Butler

Robert (Bob) Butler was born in Marion, Indiana and raised with 7 siblings. He went to Ball State University and then got a job working for the state of Indiana at the Department of Workforce Development. Robert also met his wife, Nancy, at work. He is now 71 years-old and retired from the state job […]

Blake Allee demoing Guided Hands to Lydia Farmen

Consumer Highlight: Lydia Farmen

Lydia Farmen grew up in Martinsville and graduated from Martinsville High School in 2018. Lydia was born with spina bifida and for years she was able to walk with forearm crutches and use her hands. She can no longer walk and has lost her ability to grasp things with her hands. Her mom, Sara, contacted […]

Mike and Lisa Overbay posing with their accessible van and Lisa is on the wheelchair ramp

Consumer Highlight: Lisa Overbay

Lisa Overbay has multiple sclerosis and is dependent on a wheelchair. To be able to leave her home, she needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle. She and her husband were using a 2006 van that he was able to convert himself with a wheelchair lift, but it was “on it’s last leg”. When they began to […]