Consumer Highlight: Jywanza Maye

After handing over my driver’s license and going through metal detectors in one of the most secure buildings in Indianapolis, I was escorted to the office where Jywanza Maye works. Jywanza worked with Belva Smith, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads on a job accommodation and I visited him to learn more about the […]

Consumer Highlight: Fred Christian

I met with Fred Christian to learn about his experience receiving a computer through the INDATA Project’s computer reutilization program. I visited with Fred at the offices of the Him by Her Foundation where he does volunteer work. Fred told me he was born and raised on the east side of Indianapolis. He shared with me that […]

The Driving Force to Overcome

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Getting behind the wheel of a car is a big deal. Now you have control of a machine that weighs a few thousand pounds. And now you have to navigate that vehicle in and out of traffic, dealing with weather hazards and all the temperaments of other drivers on the […]

Consumer Highlight: Mr. Tony Blair

I traveled to Gary, Indiana to visit Mr. Tony and Mrs. Connie Blair who have used many of INDATA Project’s and Easter Seals Crossroads‘ services. Mr. and Mrs. Blair are the directors of The Blind Social Center (TBSC) in Gary, IN. They invited me to visit their new location to learn about the services they have used at […]

Consumer Highlight: Cadira Greer

When I walked into the lobby at Ivy Tech Community College in Anderson, I was greeted by Cadira Greer and her notetaker. I was instantly excited to sit down and talk with Cadira when she greeted me with a great big smile. She has  a warm personality that just radiates positivity.  I came to talk to […]

Consumer Highlight: Kenny VanDerbur

Kenny worked as a nursing home administrator for years and then his life was forever altered when he had a stroke in 2012. As a result of the stroke, he lost his vision in both eyes. He also lost hearing in both ears. He has 20% hearing in his left ear and 70% in his […]