White Cane Safety Day

Ever wonder why people who are visually impaired will often use a white cane?  Why not black or brown?  According to the American Council of the Blind, the white cane originated in Europe when a fellow from Bristol was rendered blind after an accident in 1921.  James Briggs made history when he painted his walking […]

National Aging-in-Place Week

October 12-18 is National Aging-in-Place Week.  The National Aging-in-Place Council has two objectives for this week: Build lasting coalitions of allied business professionals in communities across the U.S. to assist homeowners with pursuing their long-term care needs, and Organize educational activities to highlight home and community-based services and products—including healthcare, transportation and housing—that enable seniors […]

Covering the State of Indiana with Assistive Technology

As the name implies, INDATA is a statewide service for Indiana.  While our offices are located at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indianapolis, we travel throughout Indiana to get people’s hands on assistive technology (AT).  We conduct many “Demo Days” each year, where Carol Girt, our Loan Library Specialist, travels to our regional sites and gives […]

AT Demo in New Albany

INDATA Project to Host Demo Day on Autism The INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads is hosting a year-long series of free statewide “Demo Days” showcasing different assistive technology devices. This Demo Day will feature devices that assist people with autism and will take place Thursday, October 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Rauch, […]

Autism and Assistive Technology Training

According to Newsweek and CNN, 1 in 100 children will be affected by autism this year.  While the cause of autism is still unknown, there are many resources available for children and adults with autism as well as parents and caregivers. INDATA is providing a free training on assistive technology and autism on November 19 […]

Indiana State Vision Expo Recap

This past Saturday was the annual State Vision Expo, held at the Indiana State Library in downtown Indianapolis. According to their Web site, over 650 people attended this year’s event, making it the largest low-vision convention in the Midwest! Easter Seals Crossroads had a booth to inform individuals of INDATA’s services.  Sara Croft, Education and […]