Windows 8: Taking accessibility a few steps further

One of the most popular operating systems is getting an update, again. Windows 8 is looking to make its accessibility features even more accessible. From voice over to screen magnification, the operation system has been improved with all users in mind. Still working with Windows 7? Have no fear, the Narrator feature will guide you […]

Announcing Full Day Training Topics for 2012

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about the new year ahead. What better way to get excited about some assistive technology than to announce the topics of our full day trainings for 2012? Ladies and gentlemen….the list: 2012 Full Day Trainings: January-Higher Education and Assistive Technology April-Alzheimers/Dementia and Assistive Technology June-Assistive […]

Free Apple Accessility Training at Easter Seals Crossroads brought to you by INDATA

You have probably noticed by now (or maybe we’ve hidden our enthusiasm well!) that the staff at the INDATA office are a bit crazy about Apple products. We love Mac computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads and iPods. That being said, we are extremely excited about the upcoming free Apple Accessibility Training which will be held at Easter […]

INDATA Intern Finishes 4th in the National Student Advertising Competition

I’m not sure if you noticed or not, but I’m the new intern at Easter Seals Crossroads writing weekly blog posts for INDATA. I will be a senior at Butler University next year and will graduate with a degree in Integrated Communication (that’s just Butler’s fancy way of saying Public Relations and Advertising). This past […]

Mark Wellman has “No Limits” and Inspires through Adaptive Climbing Wall

Mark Wellman doesn’t say the word “limits” unless the word “no” is in front of it. His “No Limits” philosophy on life encourages people to seek new heights and exceed what seems reachable. Wellman began mountain climbing at the age of 12 and continues his passion despite being paralyzed after a severe mountain climbing accident. He […]

Dancing on Wheels Company and School Revolutionizes the Perception of Dance

Mary Verdi-Fletcher became the first professional wheelchair dancer in the United States in 1980. She opened her own company, Dancing on Wheels Company and School, in Cleveland, Ohio and is now celebrating her 30th anniversary season. She was born with Spina Bifida which is a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do […]