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Posts in the INDATA News category:
Research grant provides training for new generation of disability experts
A $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation is making it possible for the next generation of technology experts to be trained with the skills and tools to assist people with disabilities improve their quality of life. Students at Arizona State University (ASU) and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) will begin awarding up […]
Handbook gives autistic students college advice
New research indicates young adults with disabilities are less likely to participate in traditional coming of age activities such as going to college or living independently than their typically developing peers. According to the study, 55 percent of those with disabilities continued their education after high school, compare that to 62 percent of those without […]
Behavior check: alternative schooling methods for children with behavioral issues
The phrase “therapeutic restraint” sounded like an oxymoron to Pender Makin, so he decided to do something about it. Director of The REAL School, Makin wanted to change the way children with severe behavior issues went to school by adopting a more hands-off approach, literally. Instead of trying to stop a student from bolting out […]
Monday Tech Tip: Drop Cam
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AM023: ADA National Network
Podcast: Play in new window | Downloadhttp://traffic.libsyn.com/accessibilityminute/AM110411IND.mp3 Links: ADA National Network: www.adata.org