Podcast: Play in new window | Download http://traffic.libsyn.com/atupdate/ATUP080511_3.mp3 Links: Microsoft Xbox 360 accessibility: http://bit.ly/nXGt6J NFB and OSX Lion: http://bit.ly/q0vg24 Robot babies for the elderly: http://tcrn.ch/rbGfdt Captioning helps keywords too: http://bit.ly/ndnrNG Dragon apps: http://bit.ly/ocNyJQ If you have an AT question, leave us a voice mail at: 317-721-7124 or email tech@eastersealscrossroads.org Check out our blog: http://blog.eastersealstech.com […]
Posts in the INDATA News category:
AM010: Autism and Assistive Technology
Podcast: Play in new window | Downloadhttp://traffic.libsyn.com/accessibilityminute/AM080411Ind_2.mp3 Links: Easter Seals Crossroads’ Autism Services: http://bit.ly/roQWsp Austim resources for AT: http://bit.ly/mPPaGo Read our blog: http://blog.eastersealstech.com Follow us on Twitter: @INDATAProject
World Series of Baseball for the Blind is held in Indianapolis
Beep baseball is a sport for blind or visually impaired athletes. Seventeen teams from the United States and Taiwan are competing in the World Series this week. Two teams are from Indianapolis. The World Series is being held in Indianapolis and began on Tuesday, August 2. The championship game is Saturday, August 6, 2011. Beep baseball […]
ATU009: Student-developed apps, Obama’s comments on the ADA, Dragon Dictate 2.5 and first Q&A episode
Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadLinks: Alabama Students AT apps: http://bit.ly/r1Z1md Obama’s comments on the ADA anniversary: http://bit.ly/r5BiII Dragon Dictate 2.5 for Mac: http://bit.ly/qvEi8z Brain cap: http://bit.ly/nGX7RL INDATA’s app list: http://bit.ly/ocNyJQ Livescribe: http://bit.ly/ckO6k7 Dragon for IOS: http://bit.ly/4tHZhB Voice input on Android: http://lifehac.kr/6UXDJW Freedom Scientific (JAWS): http://bit.ly/970Zd2 J-say: http://bit.ly/ps576q Dragon Naturally Speaking: http://bit.ly/auA682 Nintendo DS […]
HIMS Announces First Voice Recognition DAISY Player
On July 5, HIMS Inc. introduced the industry’s fist voice recognition DAISY player. A DAISY player is a device that assists people who are visually impaired or have difficulty interacting with print documents. People that benefit from using a DAISY player could be people who are blind, people with muscle degeneration and others. A DAISY […]
Local Organization Profile: Dyslexia Institute of Indiana
The Dyslexia Institute of Indiana (DII) aspires to serve children, adolescents, and adults with specific language disabilities. DII provides skills, services, and strategies that enable individuals to attain their full potential by learning to manage the challenges of dyslexia and overcome the unexpected challenge of reading. Dyslexia is a learning disability that results in difficulties […]