As Apple launches their iPhone 4, new accessibility features will be available to help people with disabilities. Accessibility features provide support for vision, hearing, and physical and motor skill disabilities. The following are some of the new accessibility features that the new Apple iPhone 4 will provide: Screen Reading with VoiceOver: Instead of memorizing keyboard […]
Posts in the Podcasts category:
Accessibility Features on the iPad
The INDATA team just got an iPad! We quickly learned that this is a wonderful assistive technology device that is easy for almost anyone to use. Not only is it conveniently lightweight, making it very portable, but it also has several accessibility attributes available for people with disabilities. I’ll take you through some of these […]
Conference Feature: AbleGamers Foundation sponsors Game Accessibility Arcade
The AbleGamers Foundation will be introducing the AGF Game Accessibility Arcade to the 2010 INDATA Conference July 29th and 30th in Indianapolis IN. This hands-on presentation focuses on demonstrating accessible technology and games that can be used to play the Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox, Sony PS3, and computer games. The AbleGamers Foundation will be featuring […]
Tech Tip Monday: Dragon Naturally Speaking
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Video Relay Service lets Hearing Impaired Communicate Naturally
Multiple communication systems have been invented for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. You may have heard of a few, such as TTY, where a hearing impaired person types their message and it is then read by an operator to the hearing person on the other end. Similar systems exist with variations depending […]