Make music with the Skoog!

Making music is important to every child’s development.  The benefits of making music include improved concentration, language, sympathetic engagement and social interaction.  However, many instruments may not be accessible for all individuals, especially those with physical disabilities.  The Skoog is an exception; it is an accessible, easy-to-play instrument designed for everyone. “The Skoog is not […]

ERGO: Autonomous Desk

The average employee spends approximately 7+ hours hunched over a desk staring at a computer.  Because we spend so many hours in front of a screen, it is imperative to our overall health that we maintain an ergonomic posture.  Not maintaining an ergonomic posture may result in pain and discomfort, and lack of productivity.  Soon, ergonomics may be more […]

RCx-1000 Remote Control Speakerphone

For individuals with mobility impairments (and more), answering a telephone may prove to be rather challenging.  A possible solution for these individuals is the remote control speakerphone, RCx-1000, from Harris Communications. The RCx-1000 is a remote control speakerphone that was specifically designed for individuals with low mobility.  The RCx-1000 allows users to answer calls with voice commands–making the process of answering […]

Lightweight robotic glove provides grasp to those with limited hand mobility

Engineers at Harvard University have developed a soft robotic glove that grants individuals with limited hand mobility the ability to grip and pick up objects.  This glove could help an estimated 6.8 million people in the United States with hand mobility issues, such as those with a progressive disability, stroke, or old age. There are so many tasks often taken […]

Nike launches FLYEASE, a cool new shoe for people with disabilities

“You loop, you swoop, you pull.”   “Bunny ears, Bunny ears, playing by a tree.   Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me.   Bunny ears, Bunny ears, jumped into the hole, Popped out the other side beautiful and bold.” “Over, under, pull it tight, Make a bow, Pull it through to do it right.” […]

The Ergonomic AirObic Mouse

In previous posts, I’ve covered a handful of ergonomic products such as ergonomic keyboards and Ergotron Desk Mounts.  If individuals spend a lot of time on a computer, it is highly recommended to create an ergonomic workstation to maintain a healthy posture to prevent future health problems (e.g. arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, etc.)  Another ergonomic device that could […]