She’s a Crucial Part of the Creative Solution

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications More than 25 years providing and managing assistive technology services. Presentations in 42 states and six foreign countries. Author of 22 publications. Inventor of more than 1,000 different assistive technology solutions for people with disabilities. No wonder Dr. Therese Willkomm, Ph.D., ATP, is called “The MacGyver of Assistive Technology.” […]

It All Starts With a Dream: Spotlight on Laura Medcalf

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications “I want to be a Disney Princess.” Right away I knew Laura Medcalf and I were kindred spirits. Not only do we share a love for Disney but our favorite Disney Princess as well — Ariel. Like Ariel, Laura is strong-willed, independent and courageous. She has learned to do […]

Autism Awareness Grows, Support Needs to Follow

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications Autism continues to make headlines almost on a daily basis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that one in 68 American children is identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is roughly 30 percent higher than previous estimates of one in 88 […]

Achieving Greatness through Power Soccer

While reflecting on youth, oftentimes one will reminisce the warm days of summer and kicking or throwing a ball around with friends.  Some even threw or kicked a ball outside of their driveway while competing in local baseball, basketball or soccer teams.  According to recent statistics, 35 million children (ages 5-18) play some form of organized sport.  Why are so many children involved in […]

#MoveInMay: Everyone Needs to Move for National Physical Fitness Month

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. It’s a great time to get moving and get committed to living a healthier and more active lifestyle! From the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN), according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)’s Physical Activity […]

RESNA 2014 Annual Conference to be held in Indianapolis!

RESNA 2014 Annual Conference *Racing Towards Excellence in AT* is coming to Indianapolis!!    Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads, is a RESNA member and has attended the RESNA conference many times in the past. “Getting together with other professionals in the field of assistive technology to share ideas, learn from one […]