#MoveInMay: Everyone Needs to Move for National Physical Fitness Month

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. It’s a great time to get moving and get committed to living a healthier and more active lifestyle! From the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN), according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)’s Physical Activity […]

RESNA 2014 Annual Conference to be held in Indianapolis!

RESNA 2014 Annual Conference *Racing Towards Excellence in AT* is coming to Indianapolis!!    Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads, is a RESNA member and has attended the RESNA conference many times in the past. “Getting together with other professionals in the field of assistive technology to share ideas, learn from one […]

Autism Society of Indiana Provider

The Autism Society of Indiana is an agency whose mission is to raise awareness about autism. They provide information and referrals to families who are looking for assistance in finding doctors, educators, service organizations, state and local government agencies and also to other families who share similar experiences. They also focus on community awareness and educating […]

3 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

When the Americans with Disabilities Act came into effect in 1990, schools were required by the government to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. This began breaking down many barriers that prevented students from accessing educational resources and technology. It has enabled thousands of students to enjoy the full benefits of a college education. Many scholarships […]

Google Computer Science Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

“Access to knowledge is our thing.” That’s what Google says about its scholarship for students with disabilities. The deadline to submit an application in Monday, February 18.  Recipients of the 2013 Google Lime Scholarship will each receive a scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year. Winners are invited to the Google Scholars’ Retreat at the Googleplex in […]

Drake Music: breaking down musical barriers

At the heart of one music company is the idea of connecting people with and without disabilities through music locally, nationally and internationally. Drake Music currently operates in the United Kingdom; however, their technology is really cool and totally worth sharing. Since 1988, Drake Music has been working to pioneer programs involving assistive technology and […]