Amazon smart thermostat example

Amazon Smart Thermostat

Over the years we’ve written about several smart thermostats. Did you know Amazon has their very own?  The Amazon Smart Thermostat gives you the power to control your HVAC system using your voice! The thermostat itself doesn’t have any built-in speakers, so it requires an Alexa-enabled device to work.  You can also control the thermostat […]

tricella smart pillbox with app

Tricella Smart Pillbox

Over the years we’ve written and talked about several smart pillboxes. Yet another available option is the Tricella Smart Pillbox. The Tricella Smart Pillbox is an innovative Bluetooth-enabled smart 7-day pillbox that helps users remember to take their daily medication.  The pillbox features built-in sensors that can detect if either you or a loved one […]

skyangelcare fall detection device alexa compatible

SkyAngelCare Fall Detection Pendant

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Amazon’s new subscription service, Alexa Together, which provides round-the-clock protection for individuals aging in place.  If you pair a compatible fall detection device, like SkyAngelCare, with Alexa Together, Alexa will call Amazon’s Urgent Response team and contact a designated caregiver in the event of a fall. SkyAngelCare […]

Winnebago AE

Winnebago Rolls Out Accessible RV

For those families who have a member with a physical disability, sometimes the idea of a road trip doesn’t seem possible. But Winnebago has accessibility on wheels with its accessibility enhanced (AE) line of RVs, including the Inspire and the Adventurer AE. Now, mobility issues won’t keep you from getting on the road for your […]

Alexa Together subscription service

Alexa Together

I’ve written about several Amazon Alexa devices over the years as they can improve one’s independence.  Amazon is now offering a new subscription service, Alexa Together, that can help increase independence while helping you care for loved ones. According to Amazon’s description, “Alexa Together is a new way to provide support for loved ones, keeping […]

AudClick 2 Amazon alexa

AudClick 2 Amazon Alexa Enabled Portable Speaker

If you’re looking for a hands-free way to listen to music and more, check out the AudClick 2 Alexa Enabled Portable Speaker. You can pair your own smartphone or tablet to this portable speaker and access Amazon’s Alexa Voice Control. Once your mobile device is paired to the speaker, you’ll be able to stream music […]