IntelliKeys USB is an intelligent, programmable keyboard that provides access to the computer for people who have difficulty using a mouse or standard keyboard. It enables users with physical, visual, or cognitive disabilities to easily type, enter numbers, navigate on-screen displays, and execute menu commands. This assistive technology device is a versatile enlarged keyboard that […]
Posts in the Tech Tips category:
Monday Tech Tip: Part 1 of Web Accessibility Tips from the INDATA Project
Wade Winger, Director of Assistive Technology at the INDATA Project, explains why accessibility is important when building a website.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Premium speech recognition software lets you control your digital world by voice — three times faster than typing. This assistive technology device is useful for people who may have physical disabilities that prevents them from reading written text. It’s also useful for people who are Blind or have low vision. This […]
Monday Tech Tip: Using Your Face as a Switch with iOS7
The INDATA Project’s Brian Norton explains how the new Apple iOS7 allows people to use head movements as a switch. This is useful for people who may be unable to use the touch interface of an Apple product.
Monday Tech Tip: CICOA
This week’s Tech Tip is about CICOA and resources that are available for the aging population in Central Indiana.
Guerilla Technologies RAVE
The RAVE is an industry leading Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software combined with a stand-alone camera make the Rave a value-packed reading and low vision product. OCR is an electronic conversion of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of original […]