A representative from IrieAT at the virtual ATIA 2021 conference, shows us their blind and low vision products. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about IrieAT.
Posts in the Tech Tips category:
Monday Tech Tip: Voice Assistant in JAWS
Jim Rinehart, Assistive Technology Specialist, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us the new Voice Assistant, which provides a way to use JAWS screen reader in Windows 10 using speech input. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about Voice Assistant.
Monday Tech Tip: Using OCR in JAWS to access .pdf files
Jim Rinehart, Assistive Technology Specialist, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us how to access .pdf files using OCR (optical character recognition with JAWS screenreader. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about JAWS.
Monday Tech Tip: AssistiveWare
AssistiveWare was one of the vendors at the 2021 Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) conference. The conference was not able to be held in person due to Covid-19 pandemic, but vendors shared great information about their products virtually. Here is the information that AssistiveWare shared about their assistive technology augmentative communication (AAC) products. Check it […]
Monday Tech Tip: Tile
Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us the Tile bluetooth tracker, which can be attached to any items such as your keys, remote control, or wallet and then be located using the Tile app. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about Tile.
Monday Tech Tip: PhoneSoap 3
Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us PhoneSoap 3 which is a sanitizing device for smartphones. Check it out here: Click here for more information about PhoneSoap 3.