Michele Paley from Choice Adaptive shows us the IRIScan Book, which scans documents into a JPEG, PDF, eBook, or MS Office file and allows you to convert the documents to an audio file once it is scanned into one of those formats. Check it out here: Click here for additional information on IRIScan Book.
Posts in the Tech Tips category:
Monday Tech Tip: Beamz
Heather Koren from Westminster Technologies shows us Beamz, which is a adapted musical instrument. Check it out here: Click here for additional information on Beamz.
Monday Tech Tip: Sunu Band
Dr. Fernado AlBertorio, Co-Founder at Sunu shows us the Sunu band, which is a wearable smart watch that increases the awareness of someone’s environment for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about Sunu Band.
Monday Tech Tip: Speak For Yourself app
Heidi LoStracco, SLP, Co-creator of the Speak For Yourself app, shows us the Speak For Yourself augmentative communication app, which allows someone to access 14,000 words with no more than 2 touches on the screen. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about Speak For Yourself app.
Monday Tech Tip: Inner Voice AAC app
Lois Jean Brady, SLP/AT Specialist from iTherapy shows us the Inner Voice app, which is an augmentative communication app that uses 3D video modeling. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about the Inner Voice app.
Monday Tech Tip: BraiBook- Braille E-reader
Eric Sicart from BraiBook shows us the BraiBook, which is a braille E-reader. Check it out here: Click here for additional information about the BraiBook.