Monday Tech Tip: BITES Support Group

Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology, at Easterseals Crossroads talks to us today about the Brain Injury Technology and Education Supports (BITES) closed Facebook group that the INDATA Project offers to assist individuals who have brain injuries in learning more about helpful assistive technology. Check it out here:

Educational Insights Fluorescent Light Filters

Sensitivity to fluorescent lighting is quite common, especially among individuals with autism. It gives off a harsh glare that can cause eyestrain, headaches, anxiety, and more (to individuals with or without autism). Educational Insights offers Fluorescent Light Filters to solve this problem. The Fluorescent Light Filters fit easily over standard ceiling fixtures with sturdy, sewn-in […]

Medica – Pill Reminder & Alarm App

Individuals of all ages and abilities often forget to take their medicines as prescribed. For those who are on several medications, they may not be able to find a pillbox that suits their needs. As a result, they may have a hard time remembering if they took their meds, when to take their meds, and […]

MindPlace Kasina DeepVision Bundle

Stress has been scientifically proven to cause over a dozen effects on your mind, body, and behavior.  There are several apps to help you meditate and relax, but there are also standalone products to help calm your mind.  One example of such products is the MindPlace Kasina DeepVision Bundle. MindPlace has been ahead of the […]

Questions2Learn App

Speech Pups LLC is a company developed by Leanne Poole, a speech-language pathologist. The company offers an app called Questions2Learn, which helps students understand and learn who, where, what, and when questions. Leanne Poole developed the app after several of her students have “difficulty using their verbal abilities and/or have significant cognitive weaknesses. These students […]

Monday Tech Tip: f.lux

Jim Rinehart, Asssitive Technology Specialist, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us the f.lux software which can adjust the color of your computer’s display to adapt to the time of day automatically to ease eye strain. Check it out here: Click here for additional information on f.lux.