Finding Job Accommodations with JAN

JAN (The Job Accommodation Network) is a program dedicated to finding solutions for people with disabilities in the workplace.  They are one of many services provided by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. There are several ways JAN can help improve job efficiency.  Consultants trained in specialized fields (such as rehabilitation […]

AgrAbility Project Helps Farmers with Disabilities

Farming is dangerous work.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, approximately 120,000 farm related injuries occur each year.  Thanks to the AgrAbility Project, assistance is available to anyone working in the field of agriculture with a disability.  Services provided include on-site visits, assessments, training, and technical assistance.  Assistive technology, such as extra steps and handholds for […]

AdBlock for Better Web Viewing

We’ve all had it happen to us – you visit a website but you are instantly thrown off by the bouncing advertisement that just won’t seem to leave the screen.  While it might be easy for a person who has no visual impairment to find that tiny “x” and close the ad, those who use […]

Universal Design On-line Workshop

What is universal design? The Center for Universal Design at North Carolina State University defines universal design as The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. Examples of universal design include: contrast and magnification controls on any system […]