COVID-19 Updates

We understand your assistive technology (AT) needs may have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The INDATA Project at Easterseals Crossroads is working to be as responsive to those needs as possible and will continue to provide device loans and reuse equipment to Hoosiers in need.

As we serve you, we will continue to follow our standard sanitization procedures and implement some additional precautions to ensure the health and safety of consumers and staff while the COVID-19 situation persists.

Loan Library Procedures

  • All devices will be properly cleaned and sanitized before being shipped or delivered to consumers.
  • All items will be shipped and delivered with two alcohol prep pads so the borrower can sanitize the device(s) before returning.
  • Devices will be loaned for 30 days (typical loan period).
  • As devices are returned to the library, they will be quarantined for five days ( before being unpacked, cleaned, sanitized and returned to the full library.

Depot (Reuse) Procedures

  • All computers and equipment will be properly cleaned and sanitized according to our standard sanitization procedures before being distributed to consumers.
  • Distribution of computers and equipment will be done either by drop off or drive-in method to maintain proper social distancing.

INDATA Sanitization Procedures

  • Person cleaning devices must wash hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds before cleaning devices.
  • Appropriate PPE (e.g., gloves, face mask, etc.) will be worn by person cleaning devices.
  • Clorox wipes (or other brand with similar properties) are used to clean surfaces of larger devices.
  • Alcohol prep pads are used to clean smaller devices and for stubborn dirt.
  • Person cleaning devices must wash hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds after cleaning devices.
  • Ultraviolet Sterilization equipment will also be used to sanitize equipment when appropriate.

INDATA Device Demonstrations

Device demos are being provided virtually using Zoom to ensure the health and safety of consumers and staff while the COVID-19 situation persists. Once stay-at-home orders are lifted the following procedures will be followed for all in-person services:

  • Meetings will be postponed if consumer and/or staff member exhibits a fever, cough or shortness of breath.
  • If consumer is in the high-risk category (over 60 years of age, with underlying health conditions including include heart disease, lung disease or diabetes, with weakened immune systems, who are pregnant), staff member will discuss with them their elevated risk and consider postponing services.
  • Staff member will wash his/her hands or use sanitizer before and after providing services and/or upon entry and exit of the home or training location.
  • Staff member will wipe down any equipment used, including any brought into or taken out of a consumer’s home.