Osmo: Interactive Educational Tool for iPad

Author: Laura Medcalf There is no denying that technology plays a major part in our lives.  (In fact, if you’re reading this right now, you are likely doing so on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, thus further proving my former statement.)  Although these technologies provide us with a world of possibilities, they may also often disengage us from […]

Muse: Control technology with your mind

Controlling an object with our minds sounds like something only found in a science-fiction movie.  However, with great advancements in technology the said idea is becoming more of a reality each day.  For over a century, doctors and scientists have been using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology to monitor one’s brain activity.  In recent years, brainwaves have converted into computer […]

What do ice buckets, Stephen Hawking and voice banking have in common?

You almost can’t get on social media without seeing people dumping buckets of ice water over their heads. This is the ALS ice bucket challenge and it’s soaking the nation. With the ALS ice bucket challenge you have 24 hours to dump a bucket of ice water over your head once you have been challenged […]

Learn math with these fun apps!

Whether we like to accept it or not, math plays a significant role in our daily lives and is used consistently throughout each and every day.  Numerical figures are everywhere: classrooms, offices, banks, stores, and even at home!  Our age, the time of day, dates on foods that we eat, products that we buy–all of these things are influenced […]