Friday Podcast

Information from the INDATA Project is now available via podcast! Every Friday, the INDATA Project will release two podcasts featuring new assistive technology projects. The podcasts are available for viewing on the INDATA Project website and on iTunes. The “Assistive Technology Update” is a fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts. The “Accessibility Minute” […]

How The Recent Changes in Facebook Impacts People with Disabilities

An Overview Of How The Recent Changes In Facebook Impacts People With Disabilities M. Wade Wingler, ATP Anytime one of the major social media tools, like Facebook, makes major changes there is outcry from the general user base.  Although these changes are typically made in an effort to improve and expand the usefulness of tools, […]

Goalball: A whole new ball game for the blind and visually impaired

“Lack of sight does not equal lack of talent, dreams or desire.” The motto of the USA Goalball organization says it all. Quickly becoming one of the more popular pastimes of the blind and visually impaired, Goalball is a blend of soccer and dodgeball that all ages can play, no matter the skill level. The […]