RMS Sock Aid Image

RMS Sock Aid

For many individuals, putting on socks independently is very challenging if not impossible.  If you’re looking for a product to help make this daily task easier, check out the RMS Sock Aid! The RMS Sock Aid allows users to put on socks or hosiery independently in “4 easy steps.”  The Sock Aid is an ideal […]

Screenshot of Safari address bar

Monday Tech Tip: How to change the Safari address bar position in iOS15

Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology shows us how to change the Safari address bar position. The new iOS15 update puts the bar at the bottom and Brian shows us how to put it back up at the top. Check it out here:  

flex controller for nintendo switch and windows 10 pc

Flex Controller – Adaptive Controller for Nintendo Switch

A few years back we wrote about an adaptive controller available for the Xbox.  Did you know there is now an adaptive controller available for the Nintendo Switch?!  The Flex Controller is a “new and exciting” addition to the gaming community that allows gamers with disabilities to use external switches and joysticks to play video […]

clearsounds amplified landline phone

ClearSounds CSC500 Amplified Landline Phone

Traditional landline phones may be difficult if not impossible for individuals with hearing and/or vision loss to use.  The ClearSounds CSC500 Amplified Landline Phone is a potential solution for these users. The ClearSounds CSC500 Amplified Landline Phone “is an ideal single-line landline phone for people who are looking for an easy-to-use amplified telephone.”  By default, […]

typing aid, typing aid strap, and a laptop

Monday Tech Tip: Typing Aids

Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology, at Easterseals Crossroads shows us typing aids, which are keyboard and button pushers that can be used on keyboards, typewriters, calculators and telephones for people who have limited functional hand skills. Check it out here: