Time for Bed Little Ted

Looking for an app to help your child relax before bed?  Check out Time for Bed Little Ted!  In this app, professional voice actors read a calming bedtime story, “which is supportive of early learning and has easy to use, fun interactions.” When using the app, children help the bear get ready for bed by helping […]

LetterReflex: App for Dyslexia

Looking for a fun and effective way to work on letter and number reversals?  This is a common challenge for individuals with dyslexia and more as they tend to confuse letters “d” and “b” and “q” and “p” etc.  LetterReflex is a fun, interactive app developed to help these children learn correct letter and number formations. The […]

BrailleNote Touch by Humanware

If you are a student or professional who is blind and seeking for a smart, accessible device to take notes, check out Humanware’s new BrailleNote Touch.  The company has noted the device to be, “The note taker of the future.” The BrailleNote Touch is the first certified Braille tablet providing access to the Google Play Store. […]

4 Fun and Functional Sensory Kits

Here at the INDATA Project, we are always writing about different products and apps to help individuals with sensory issues.  We’ve covered fidgets, sensory rooms, and much more, but we have yet to discuss sensory kits manufactured by Fun and Function.  Fun and Function is a company dedicated to creating different products to benefit individuals with […]

BoldWriter 40 – Pen for those with low vision

Although many tasks are now being done electronically through the use of smartphones, tablets, computers, etc., many still prefer to write things out on a good old-fashioned piece of paper.  (I am definitely one of these people as I love handwriting shopping lists, notes, numbers, etc.)  However, for individuals with low vision, they often can’t […]

STAXI: World’s Leading Nestable Transport Chair

Looking for a nestable transport chair?  STAXI is now “established globally as the leading wheelchair alternative and is the best selling nestable transport chair worldwide.”  The STAXI chairs are developed specifically for busy facilities (e.g. hospitals, airports, amusement parks, etc.) to provide temporary transportation for individuals who cannot walk long distances. Andy Hart founded the […]