The new StepPad may be a great resource for individuals who have difficulty completing multiple step tasks by themselves. With the StepPad, directions that are recorded are played back in a sequence, one step at a time, to prompt the user on what to do next. The device functions well as both a short-term teaching tool […]
Posts with the Accessibility tag
Attainment Big Button Communicators
For individuals with difficulty communicating or who cannot communicate at all, there are several technology options to help. One of these options is the Big Button Communicator, which allows users to communicate without lifting their hands from the table. The Big Button features a transparent cap with an opening to quickly slide in overlays. The Button […]
Wingman Harness
For individuals with certain mobility impairments, physical therapy is necessary to maintain strength and flexibility. However, according to this article, “it’s not guaranteed to fix all movement issues.” Dr. Christopher Spinelli is a Pediatrician in Springfield, Missouri who has a daughter with special needs. He stated how she was in physical therapy early on, but […]
11 Blindfold games for the visually impaired
Confession: I love playing games—board games, video games, word games, you name it! My iPhone has so conveniently brought the world of games to the palms of my hands. Playing games is a fun way for me to pass the time when I’m waiting for the bus, or sitting in a waiting room at the doctor. Even after a […]
BlindShell: smartphone app for visually impaired
Both Android and iOS devices offer accessibility features for visually impaired users, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver. With these features enabled, consumers with visual impairments are able to navigate their phones with the phone talking to them, letting them know apps they have access to and more. Though such accessibility features are beneficial, they may […]
StealthFly: Endless runner game for the visually impaired
“It is night. You are a pilot, navigating a treacherous cliff-side. Suddenly, the lights dim in the plane. You can no longer see. You only have the sound of the plane whizzing past the cliffs to guide you…” Welcome to StealthFly, an endless runner game and winner of the SS12: Project Possibility Hackathon. While there are […]