Remember the Media Access Group at WGBH? We wrote about them in our Accessible Movie Theaters post a while ago. Now we are pleased to discover that this fine organization has complied a comprehensive list of movies that are available on DVD with audio description. Audio description allows for more accessibility among people with disabilities. […]
Posts with the Accessibility tag
Accessibility Features on the iPad
The INDATA team just got an iPad! We quickly learned that this is a wonderful assistive technology device that is easy for almost anyone to use. Not only is it conveniently lightweight, making it very portable, but it also has several accessibility attributes available for people with disabilities. I’ll take you through some of these […]
Improved Standards for Library Accessibility
Did you know that starting next year, the Indiana Library and Historical Board will adopt new standards concerning accessibility? In 2011 anyone will be able to access an Indiana library’s catalog from any computer that has an internet connection. According to Indianapolis Business Journal, nearly a third of Indiana’s libraries are already using online catalogs. Imagine […]
Indiana Center for Accessible Materials
The Indiana Center for Accessible Materials (ICAM) is an online project managed by the Office of the Associate Superintendent, the Indiana Department of Education. This project’s mission is to team up with educational facilities to provide accessible formats for students with print disabilities. Some of its services include: Serving as a state repository for textbooks […]
Power Soccer of IUPUI
Pretty awesome name, right? Well, it’s a pretty awesome sport! Matthew Griffin is the president of Power Soccer of IUPUI Student Organization at IUPUI, and he was kind enough to answer some questions about their group. What is the history of Power Soccer of IUPUI? Power Soccer of IUPUI started just this year. It was […]
Mobility Solutions from Rehab Ideas
As you might imagine, people who use wheelchairs often face challenges when carrying out daily tasks. Where can they put a backpack or purse? How can they find a sturdy surface for a laptop without pulling up to a table? What do they do if they are on vacation and want to explore a beach? […]