For some individuals with mobility impairments, “simple” taps and swipes on a smartphone screen can be quite challenging. Samsung Electronics has come up with a potential solution to help make their smartphones more accessible to these users, an application called DOWELL. DOWELL is an app that will allow said users to operate their smartphones with existing assistive computer products such […]
Posts with the adaptive tag
4 facts (and more) about Apple Pay
Well folks, it’s finally here! Apple’s new payment system, Apple Pay, was released yesterday. I have mentioned this new payment system in two blogs both last month and last week, when I covered Apple’s two large events. If you’ve read those past two posts, you probably know how excited I am for Apple Pay. If you don’t yet know […]
#MoveInMay: Everyone Needs to Move for National Physical Fitness Month
Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Communications May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. It’s a great time to get moving and get committed to living a healthier and more active lifestyle! From the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN), according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)’s Physical Activity […]