In order to obtain success in academia, a student with a learning disability has a few extra challenges to conquer first. Common symptoms that students with learning disabilities often exhibit include: Difficulty with reading and/or writing Problems with math skills Trouble following directions Difficulty remembering Poor coordination Difficulty with concepts related to time Problems staying organized […]
Posts with the Apple tag
4 apps to help the visually impaired in school
Without a doubt, technology offers endless benefits for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is often being implemented in the classroom as it has been proven useful among students, especially those with special needs. Because there are so many technological resources available, I felt it best to break them down into a series of blogs with specific categories. Welcome […]
SPEAKall!® application for iPad
Many companies offer several augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices to help individuals with autism spectrum and developmental disorders. However, with the increased use and versatility of tablets, the demand for downloadable AAC applications has elevated. Individuals at Purdue University have created an app called SPEAKall!® which can be downloaded from the App Store to one’s iPad. This app was specifically designed to […]
Apps for Apraxia and Dysphagia
In last Thursday’s blog, I covered a few apps from Smarty Ears that may help individuals with aphasia, a condition which affects an individual’s ability to express and understand both written and spoken language. Further, the company also offers helpful tools for individuals with other communication conditions including apraxia and dysphagia. APRAXIA The first few apps are helpful resources for apraxia, which […]
Tech Tip: Slide 2 Unlock App
Anna Leung, iPad specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana, introduces us to the free “Slide 2 Unlock” app–available for the iPad. This app provides great practice for the “slide to unlock” gesture, which is required for iOS devices.
Smarty Ears: Apps for Aphasia
Over the past few years, the company Smarty Ears has aimed to help individuals with communication issues. They have created several educational apps to help promote speech and language skills for individuals with aphasia, apraxia, dysphagia and more. Visitors of the website will be able to search for apps by specific area including: AAC Aphasia Apps Apraxia Autism […]