Early learners, especially those with special needs, may seldom sit and listen to a story nowadays. Their young minds yearn to learn and interact with their surroundings. Storybook apps have taken storytelling to a whole new level with colorful graphics and fun interactive activities. “A Parcel of Courage” is one such app that tells a heartwarming story […]
Posts with the apps tag
What’s Next – Visual Prompt App
Individuals with ADHD, autism, or other special needs often benefit from First-Then or Visual Schedule applications. If you’re looking for an app to help explain what happens next, What’s Next is an affordable solution! What’s Next is a “communication tool for caregivers looking after a person with limited or no verbal communication skills. It can be […]
5 Fun Educational Apps by Originator!
There is an indefinite amount of companies dedicated to creating the best educational apps for children of all ages. Developers at Originator “develop and publish the most entertaining and educational mobile apps for kids and families.” If your child or student is learning or about to learn basic educational lessons (e.g. numbers, alphabet, phonics, spelling, etc.) […]
5 Fairlady Media Apps: Ages 6+
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a selection of apps by Fairlady Media designed for the earliest of learners. Found within this list are apps teaching several life skills, academic skills, and much more. There is another bundle available on iTunes featuring 4 more apps for “Big Kids” ages 6 and up. (PLUS I’ve included their most […]
Tinycards app: The future of flashcards
The team behind Duolingo, the most downloaded educational app in the world, has recently released Tinycards. Tinycards is an app that allows users to “memorize anything while playing a game.” The app allows users to choose from thousands of educational topics, and also offers the ability to create their own! Best part? It’s completely free! What’s […]
iOS 10: 10 New Accessibility Features
What an exciting week here for the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads! Apple has just released iOS 10 this week, which is jam packed with new accessibility features. Monday afternoon, I was invited to sit in on interviews for local news channels to try out and discuss these incredible features. Keep on reading to find […]