The Ability in Disability: New Vision, Same Values

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing For eight decades, Easterseals Crossroads has been a leader in the Indianapolis community for people with disabilities. “Easterseals Crossroads has been around since 1936 — initially it began as a social club for 12 teenagers with disabilities,” said Katie Harris, director of design and communication at Easterseals Crossroads. “Our Easterseals […]

AcceleRead AcceleWrite App

Learning to read and write are challenging tasks for anyone, but they are especially so for individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  The AcceleRead AcceleWrite Student App is a resource that can be used both in and outside of the classroom. In sum, it is an educational app “aimed at improving reading and writing […]

5 Sensory Processing Apps

Whenever I go to write a blog post anymore, it seems as though I always lean towards apps.  This is because tablets and smartphones are versatile and have a ton of potential, especially for individuals with special needs.  Today’s blog is no exception, as I’m going to cover a list of apps for children with Sensory […]

What’s Next – Visual Prompt App

Individuals with ADHD, autism, or other special needs often benefit from First-Then or Visual Schedule applications.  If you’re looking for an app to help explain what happens next, What’s Next is an affordable solution!  What’s Next is a “communication tool for caregivers looking after a person with limited or no verbal communication skills.  It can be […]

5 Fun Educational Apps by Originator!

There is an indefinite amount of companies dedicated to creating the best educational apps for children of all ages.  Developers at Originator “develop and publish the most entertaining and educational mobile apps for kids and families.” If your child or student is learning or about to learn basic educational lessons (e.g. numbers, alphabet, phonics, spelling, etc.) […]