Individuals who are blind or visually impaired may often need assistance finding specific items around their home or office. The PenFriend 2 is designed to make their lives easier as it is a voice labeling system that allows users to label anything and everything with discreet audio labels in their own voice. The PenFriend 2 is […]
Posts with the Blind tag
5 Alerting Indicators for Blind and Visually Impaired
There are many forms of assistive technology that may benefit individuals who are blind or visually impaired. However, one type of assistive technology I’ve yet to discuss in depth is alerting indicators, which may benefit these individuals greatly. Maxi Aids “offers the highest quality selections of liquid level indicators, talking alarm clocks, motion sensors, toilet level indicators, […]
Monday Tech Tip: Be My Eyes app
Tracy Castillo, ReUse Technician, shows us an app called Be My Eyes. This app helps blind users use video chat to connect with volunteers that can offer them visual assistance. Check it out here:
Express Your Voice by Casting Your Vote
Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing The right to vote is a basic human right. It is one that has been fought for throughout U.S. history, and it gives each person the opportunity to voice his or her opinion in a meeting, discussion, debate or election campaign. And 2016 is an election year. A big one. […]
5 fun fidgets for children with special needs
“Stop fidgeting!” I’m sure we’ve all been told this at least once, especially as a child. Children just have so much energy and need to move, especially those with autism, ADHD, and other special needs. I have written about fidget toys many times, more specifically in a post on Stimtastic, a company offering affordable toys for stimming behavior. But […]
A Healing Hand in Accessible Healthcare
Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Lose weight. Exercise. Eat healthier. Stay fit. Enjoy life more. Run a marathon. These are some of the most common — and most commonly broken — New Year’s resolutions. In the U.S., nearly half of people make New Year’s resolutions each year, and many of them revolve around better health. […]