Perkins Smart Brailler

The SMART Brailler is the long-awaited development of the Perkins Brailler from a low-technology classic to a high-technology learning and teaching device.  Developed by Perkins Products and Product Development Technology (PDT) with support from the American Printing House for the Blind, the SMART Brailler opens the door to a new, more intuitive way for individuals, […]

New Accessibility Features in iOS 7.1

Apple recently released its new operating system iOS 7.1, available now for download via the over-the-air Software Update and iTunes. In its previous update, Apple made the biggest progress to date regarding accessibility in their software; now iOS 7.1 offers even more accessibility features, especially ones to benefit blind and low vision individuals. New accessibility […]

BlindSquare: Using Assistive Tech to Get Around

With recent advancements in assistive technology, many individuals with disabilities are able to live more independently.  However, visually impaired or blind individuals may still have difficulty getting from place to place.  BlindSquare is an application available on iPhones and iPads, designed for visually impaired or blind users to be able to get around independently.  It […]

Overview of GW Micro Window-Eyes

GW Micro Window-Eyes is arguably one of the most powerful screen reader programs on the market today.  This powerful application allows individuals who are blind or visually impaired to have complete control of their Windows computer.  This control not only leads to more independence, but also leads to a higher productivity rate while working on […]

Seika Braille Display

The Seika 40-cell Braille Display is lightweight, compact and extremely portable. This sturdy unit is compatible with either Windows or Mac applications and works in tandem with your screen reading software. This affordable 40-cell refreshable braille display is significantly lower in price than any other display on the market. In addition, it comes with a […]

Franklin Speaking Language Master

The Speaking Language Master is a solution for students of all ages who are challenged by blindness, visual or speech impairments, learning disabilities or dyslexia. It offers full speech controls to read screens or speak individual words at the speed you choose. This assistive technology device corrects over 130,000 words and includes aural cues to […]