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Posts with the Blind tag
VoiceOver Technology Makes iPhone More Accessible
With the influx of smart phone technology showing no signs of slowing down, universal accessibility has become a concern, and is often times a flaw of smart phone design. Fortunately, the Apple iPhone is one product on the market that has made accessibility a priority. The VoiceOver program is a screen reader for iPhone that […]
Downloadable Audiobooks from the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library
For many people, reading is a daily activity that provides a brief escape and the chance to relax and forget about daily stresses. Reading can be fun, informative, and even cathartic. Unfortunately, for individuals with certain disabilities, reading does not serve as a means of escape and relaxation; conversely, reading can be an arduous task […]
Tech Tip Monday: Money Reader by LookTel
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Simple Solutions: Board Games
Gaming in the assistive technology community can tend to focus more on adapting the high-tech, more expensive video gaming systems, but sometimes individuals with disabilities want the opportunity to participate in the old fashioned, family-friendly board games. Luckily, Maxi Aids, a company that sells products for independent living, has met this need. Maxis Aids board games are […]
Tech Tip: EVAS from ATIA Chicago, 2010
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