Monday Tech Tip: Bose Noise Cancelling headphones

Brian Norton, Director of Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones. These headphones can be helpful in preventing distractions and keeping people on task. Check it out here: For more information about these headphone:

VisuaLearn App

The Educational App Store provides a long, helpful list of apps available for individuals with or without special needs.  One app out of the dozens listed is VisuaLearn, an app that “promotes vocabulary development, sight word acquisition and sentence building.” VisuaLearn was initially developed for young learners with Down syndrome, but was found to benefit […]

The Sounding Out Machine

Looking for an affordable solution to help your child with reading?  The Sounding Out Machine is an app that transforms the iPad into an assistive reading device!  The app was developed by FizzBrain, “a mom-and-pop studio committed to bringing the latest and very best of educational practices into the world of apps.” The Sounding Out Machine app […]

5 Apps for Speech Delays

It is estimated that approximately 10% of kindergarteners will receive a diagnosis of a speech/language delay each year.  To aid in this delay, many work with certified speech-language pathologists, but why not practice these skills outside of therapy?  The App Store offers countless apps for individuals with speech delays, but I wanted to highlight a handful […]

Flip Writer AAC

With so many AAC apps available to help individuals who struggle communicating, it can be so hard finding the right one for each person!  Many go through several AAC apps–often spending hundreds of dollars–just to find out it didn’t work for them.  Last week, Flip Writer AAC became free to download on iTunes! Why should […]

3 Annotation/Note Taking Apps for Learning Disabilities

Individuals with dyslexia, ADHD, learning disabilities, and other special needs may often benefit from using PDF annotation/note taking apps.  Annotating one’s reading is so useful in a myriad of ways and can benefit the reader not only while they read but afterwards as well. For me, reading textbooks, scholarly articles, and more has always been a challenge.  I […]