Monday Tech Tip: Inspiration Maps app for brainstorming and organizing ideas

Josh Anderson, Assistive Technology Specialist, at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us an app called Inspiration Maps which is a great tool for brainstorming and then turning those ideas into organized outlines, graphs, and diagrams. Check it out here:

StealthFly: Endless runner game for the visually impaired

“It is night.  You are a pilot, navigating a treacherous cliff-side.  Suddenly, the lights dim in the plane.  You can no longer see.  You only have the sound of the plane whizzing past the cliffs to guide you…”  Welcome to StealthFly, an endless runner game and winner of the SS12: Project Possibility Hackathon.  While there are […]

Not Just Another School Year

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing It’s time to head back to school! The heat of summer still lingers, but students and their families are buying school supplies, packing backpacks and getting ready for another school year. The transition from summer to school can be tough — and even more difficult for students with disabilities or […]

iGuardStove: Convert your stove into a smart stove

Scenario 1: In today’s fast-paced society, it seems as though we’re always in a rush.  We’ve been spoiled with smart technologies that provide us with instant notifications of texts, emails, and other miscellaneous alerts.  We’ve grown accustomed to everything being so instant and easy that we may neglect simple tasks, like turning off the stove.  Such […]

Monday Tech Tip: How to Connect a Braille Display to a Bluetooth-enabled iOS device

Belva Smith, Assistive Technology Specialist, at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us how to connect a bluetooth Braille display to an iOS device. Here she shows us how to connect the Braille display to her iPhone. Check it out here:

Make music with the Skoog!

Making music is important to every child’s development.  The benefits of making music include improved concentration, language, sympathetic engagement and social interaction.  However, many instruments may not be accessible for all individuals, especially those with physical disabilities.  The Skoog is an exception; it is an accessible, easy-to-play instrument designed for everyone. “The Skoog is not […]