If you or a loved one are in the market for a new portable video magnifier, check out the new Zoomax Snow 12! With the Snow 12 video magnifier, you can more easily write, read, view objects, and more! One neat feature of this device is its analog stick. The built-in analog stick allows you […]
Posts with the Easterseals Crossroads tag
Explore the Great Outdoors with These 4 Apps!
Looking for a way to encourage your child to explore the great outdoors? While playing outside without a device is optimal, apps are a great tool to educate your kiddo on the outside world. There are so many available apps to help encourage outdoor play that it can be overwhelming. There are apps to help […]
Fun and Function’s Social Mask
Whether we like it or not, having to wear a mask is not going to stop anytime soon. A little while ago I wrote about the ClearMask, a full-face mask that doesn’t hide the wearer’s face. If you’re looking for something similar, check out Fun and Function’s Social Mask! The Social Mask features a transparent […]
Monday Tech Tip: Standard Mount’n Mover
Mary Kay Walch, BlueSky Designs, shows us the Standard Mount’n Mover, which is a wheelchair mount for iPads, tablets, laptops, phones, and speech devices. Click here to learn more about the Standard Mount’n Mover.
How to scan documents in Notes app on your iPhone, iPad
If you have an iOS device, you’re probably familiar with its built-in Notes app. I use it often to jot down shopping lists, blog ideas, and more. You can create a new note directly in the Notes app, or you can ask Siri to start a note for you. In addition to being able to […]
Playing CBT Therapy Game
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that “focuses on modifying dysfunctional emotions, thoughts, and behaviors by interrogating and uprooting negative or irrational beliefs.” Playing CBT is a company that offers therapy games based on this psychotherapy. According to Playing CBT’s website, the game provides therapists with “quick, direct access to children’s actual emotional […]