Stay “ntouch” with Sorenson Communications’ Suite of Products

Sorenson Communications is “the leading provider of Video Relay Service (VRS) for the Deaf”.  They offer a myriad of products for individuals who are deaf such as the ntouch® VP videophone and app, Buzz apps, and more.  The company’s mission is to provide the “highest quality communication products and services” to individuals who are deaf […]

Olive: Next-Generation Hearing Aid

“There are two problems with hearing impairments: the price and social perception of hearing aids,” according to developers at the Olive Union.  Their solution?  The Olive, which is an affordable, sleek alternative to these traditional hearing aids. Traditional hearing aids can cost more than $4,000 and look like medical devices.  The Olive is the next […]

WEAR: Revolutionary Assistive Listening Device (ALD)

For many individuals who are hard of hearing, conversations in loud environments can be more challenging if not impossible.  While many hearing aids will increase the volume of near conversation, they’ll also increase volume of ambient noise.  The Wear from ActiVocal will change this. The Wear is a Revolutionary Assistive Listening Device or ALD.  More specifically, it is an assistive […]

OtoSense App

From the high-pitched shrieking of smoke alarms to the rumbling howl of fire engines, sounds are often the first to warn individuals of trouble.  But what about individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing?  OtoSense is an app that aims to recognize such sounds for individuals with hearing loss, then convert them into vibrations, flashes, and other cues they can see or […]

VisiTalks: Connecting Deaf and Hearing People

Communication between deaf and hearing individuals can be quite challenging.  Fortunately, there are devices already available to help knock this communication barrier down such as Uni by MotionSavvy.  There is also another piece of technology in production called VisiTalks. According to its website, VisiTalks is the first of its kind as it is a unique combination of software and hardware which allows […]

Disney’s Big Hero 6 and Robots in Real Life

I have been told I have the heart and temperament of a child, and if you’ve been around me when I see a sweet-faced puppy (or really any animal), you know exactly why.  Every single time, without fail, my eyes light up with genuine excitement and I tend to squeak and say silly things without thought.  My reaction is pretty similar […]