Do you have a problem with your child unbuckling his or her seat belt? A possible solution to help keep your child safe is the BuckleRoo Seat Belt Guard. The BuckleRoo is a “simple little device with a great big job: keeping children safe by preventing them from releasing their seat belt while you’re driving.”To […]
Posts with the Indiana tag
DryBuddyFLEX 3 – Bedwetting Alarm System
Bedwetting alarms are great tools for children and adults alike who struggle with bedwetting or urine incontinence. However, many of these alarms require parents or caregivers to sleep in the same room to ensure the child or patient wakes up. The DryBuddyFLEX 3 Bedwetting Alarm is a powerful, flexible, and adjustable alarm that will get […]
Children with Autism: A Visual Schedule App
Visual Schedules are ideal tools for individuals with autism, ADHD, and other special needs. The Children with Autism: A Visual Schedule by Enuma is the “first wearable picture-based scheduler designed with children and adults with autism in mind.” The app’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to create a picture-based, personalized daily schedule. “Understanding and following […]
Special Tomato Mobile Activity Tray
It can be difficult to find a tray surface that adjusts to different pieces of adaptive equipment. The Special Tomato Mobile Activity Tray provides “adjustability, maneuverability, and versatility for many situations.” It is an ideal tray to use while eating, practicing fine motor skills (e.g. writing, tablet work, etc.) or visual tracking or reading. The […]
Tips and Tools for Tackling the Winter Weather
Winter can be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most difficult, especially for people with disabilities. “This time of the year is when our resources can really come in handy for a lot of people,” said Brian Norton, the director of assistive technology at Easterseals Crossroads. “Winter can […]
Miniguide US
American Printing House for the Blind (APH) is the “world’s largest nonprofit organization creating educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are visually impaired.” One of their available products is the Miniguide US. The Miniguide US is a tiny electronic travel device that is ideal for individuals who are blind. It […]