Lazarillo GPS on Google Play

There are several GPS apps available on Apple devices to help individuals with visual impairments.  However, if you’re searching for one to use on Android devices, check out the Lazarillo GPS app.Lazarillo is a specialized GPS app that provides a myriad of mobility tools for individuals who are blind.  The goal of the app is […]

Buddha Board

Looking for a product to help you relax this winter?  Check out the Buddha Board.  The Buddha Board provides a Zen-like painting experience for individuals with anxiety, depression, autism, or anyone who simply wants to relax. It was inspired by the Zen idea of living in the moment. You simply paint on the surface with […]

Robo Twist Electric Jar Opener

Opening jars can be challenging for most, but the task can be especially difficult for individuals with arthritis, hand or arm weakness, and more.  This is where the Robo Twist Electric Jar Opener comes in handy. The Robo Twist is a robotic, lightweight jar opener that automatically adjusts to fit any jar size.  Here’s how […]

4 Fidget Gift Ideas

The holiday season is finally upon us!  By now I’m sure you’ve already begun your shopping.  If you’re looking for some more gift ideas, check out the following list.  One of the biggest “toy” categories of the year is fidgets. If you’re thinking, “Oh no, not another fidget spinner!”  Don’t you worry.  This list consists […]

Time Timer – Visual Timer

Visual timers transform stressful transition periods, reduce resistance to routines, and help manage a class or therapy session.  Time Timer displays the “passage of time with a disappearing red disk providing a stress-free time management to make every moment count.”The Time Timer is a powerful tool for visual thinkers of all ages and abilities.  It […]

Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear by Sorting Sounds

Looking for an app to teach your child logical thinking, attentive listening, and more?  Look no further than the Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear by Sorting Sounds app! Sound Salad is a place where all objects’ sounds get mixed together.  The Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear app is a sound-object association game with […]