Sonic Bomb with Super Shaker Alarm Clock

Are you in the market for a new alarm clock?  Or do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then check out the Sonic Bomb with Super Shaker from Sonic Alert! Sonic Alert is a developer “of consumer electronics that primarily focuses on […]

Logitech Harmony Elite Remote

Logitech began in 1981 selling only computer mice.  They have since expanded offering products like keyboards, Bluetooth speakers, webcams, remotes, and more.  In sum, they research how individuals interact with their digital devices and they offer products to improve their interactions.  The Logitech Harmony Elite is an example of one remote the company offers. The […]

UPLIFT Height Adjustable Sit-Stand Desk

I wrote about the UPLIFT Motion Stool on Tuesday.  To create an even more ergonomic workstation, check out the UPLIFT Height Adjustable Sit-Stand Desk from Human Solution. The UPLIFT Height Adjustable Sit-Stand Desk allows users to alternate between sitting and standing at work for better health and productivity.  The entire Sit-Stand Desk raises and lowers […]

Shedding Light on a Hidden Disability

Brain injury (BI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability across the globe. Every year, an estimated 1.7 million Americans sustain a BI. And approximately 5.3 million are living with a disability caused by a brain injury. As discussed in a previous Easterseals blog, a TBI is “caused by a bump, blow […]

INDATA Project Survey

Did you know the INDATA Project offers one of the largest collections of podcast audio, YouTube video, and blog content that focuses on assistive technology? The content currently lives on a variety of platforms (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.)  As of right now, the content is largely untagged and unorganized.  We […]

BrailleNote GPS

HumanWare is “the global leader in assistive technology for people who are blind or have low vision.”  The company offers dozens of innovative products, one of them being the BrailleNote GPS. The BrailleNote GPS provides location information and mapping tools to augment independent travel for individuals with visual impairments.  People can use the GPS to […]