Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a “genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness.” It affects 1 in 3,500 newborn boys, and in rare cases can even affect girls. September is Duchenne Action Month, and this Thursday, September 7th, is World Duchenne Awareness Day. To commemorate Duchenne Awareness Day, Metaverse Entertainment is offering free […]
Posts with the Indiana tag
Refreshabraille 18
Last week, I introduced the Orbit Reader 20, which is an affordable ($449) refreshable braille display. If you’re looking to compare, another available braille display is the Refreshabraille 18. The Refreshabraille 18 is a “unique handheld refreshable braille display and braille keyboard for desktop computers and mobile devices.” Although the device has been around for […]
Talking Typer App
American Printing House for the Blind is the world’s largest nonprofit organization creating educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are visually impaired. One of their products which has been around for years is Talking Typer. In April, they brought the Talking Typer app to the App Store! The original Talking Typer […]
Orbit Reader 20
Did you know braille books are nearly a square foot in size, and the average novel spans several volumes? To make books more accessible and portable, Perkins Library introduced the Orbit Reader 20 earlier this month. The Orbit Reader 20 is a brand new, refreshable braille display that makes books readily available like a Kindle. At […]
MyID Medical Profile
It’s essential to have medical details such as medications, allergies, and emergency contacts readily available in case of emergency. This is where MyID comes in handy. MyID is the easiest way to access, store, and manage all health information. The medical profile is available on bracelets, sticker kits, wallet cards, and an app on your […]
BJOY Ring Joystick Mouse
Wouldn’t it be awesome to transform your wheelchair’s joystick into a mouse? By installing the BJOY Ring you can! The BJOY Ring Kit connects directly to your joystick so you can operate your cursor-controlled computer, tablet, or smartphone. According to EnableMart, “The wireless ring is connected to a transmitter paired to the receiver, which is […]