5 Apple Watch Apps for Visually Impaired

It’s almost been one year since Apple announced its first ever wearable, the Apple Watch.  Since its official release back in April, several individuals have experienced the convenience of the wearable.  How might those with visual impairments reap the benefits of the watch too?  AppleVis has provided a great directory of Apple Watch apps that are partially […]

Signily: iOS keyboard allows you to communicate in sign language

While communicating may be easier on mobile phones for the general population, communication tends to be more limited for individuals who are deaf.  For instance, said individuals often communicate using sign language, but using sign language isn’t really an option, unless using video messages.  This is about to change with the release of Signily, a sign language […]

The Dot: Smartwatch that displays text in Braille

By now, I’m certain a majority of you have heard of many smart devices available on the market, especially Apple’s flagship wearable, the Apple Watch.  While this smartwatch offers several accessibility features (e.g. VoiceOver), it doesn’t offer the same tactile benefits as Braille. A Korean startup company has thus developed The Dot, a smartwatch featuring active Braille technology. The Dot is a wearable […]

Go back to school with these apps by AssistiveWare!

New backpack? Check!  New school supplies? Check!  New schedule? Check!  That’s right, it’s your child’s favorite time of year, time to get back to classes, studying, and homework!  (Or is it the parents’ favorite time of year, the time they finally get a break from entertaining the little ones all summer?)  Well, either way, school is in […]

Clicker Connect

Established in 1993, Crick Software is a company that develops innovative educational software for students of all ages and abilities.  The company offers thousands of online resources for educators and students.  Upon visiting the company’s website, you’ll stumble upon different apps for iOS devices.  One of these apps is called Clicker Connect. On the company’s […]

Pain Management Apps for Children

For children and adults with special needs, (e.g. nonverbal, developmental delays, autism, and more), expressing their desires and thoughts can be challenging, if not impossible.  Fortunately, there are several apps available to assist with this communication. While all communication is arguably important, the ability to express and manage one’s pain is especially important.  Here is […]