Howdy's shows disability pride by hiring people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Promoting Pride in Employees with Disabilities

Brandon Scott’s life journey embodies the idea of “disability pride.” Born without arms or legs, he’s spent his entire life embracing his disability and accepting invitations for support from places like Easterseals Crossroads, which taught him to go out into the world and hold his head high when using assistive technology. “For me, [Disability Pride […]

Laura Medcalf in her element at Easterseals Crossroads

Laura Medcalf’s Legacy

“I try to do as much as I can independently. That’s my motto. I want to do as much as I can while I can.” Laura Medcalf lived by her word. Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of four, she spent her whole life pushing past limits, exceeding expectations and inspiring other people […]


Augmental Offers World’s First Hands-Free Touchpad

As a quadriplegic, Keely Horch spent a long time avoiding assistive technology since much of it required the use of her upper limbs. Tomás Vega, the CEO and founder of Augmental, shared her frustration, and out of that, he developed the MouthPad^, the world’s first hands-free touchpad. “Human-computer interaction really has been focused on the […]

The OrCam Hear

OrCam Hear Offers Conversation Solutions

In a 2023 study of more than 2,800 older adults, 65.3% (about 21.5 million individuals) of those aged 71 years or older had hearing loss, and by age 90 years, 96.2% of adults had hearing loss. However, only 29.2% of those with hearing loss used hearing aids. OrCam offers a more advanced hearing solution. The […]

Accessibility features for speech

iOS 17 Accessibility Features: Speech

Communication is vital for all of us, but it can also create barriers, especially for people with disabilities. The new iOS 17 not only offers non-speaking communication, but it also gives literal voice to the voiceless. Speech Is Just a Tap Away With Live Speech, users can type what they want to say or choose […]

Summer fun for everyone

Summer Fun for Everyone

With summer in full swing, it’s time to plan for outdoor fun. Of course, we want to make sure Hoosiers can find fun for everyone, including people with disabilities. “Fortunately, Indiana continues to make great strides in inclusion and accessibility,” said Brian Norton, vice president of adult services at Easterseals Crossroads. “From the addition of […]