Camping with Grandpa App

Even though school is in session for most students, the summer sun is still burning bright and there’s still time to explore the great outdoors!  Even once it’s too chilly outside, children can still explore nature with Camping with Grandpa.  Camping with Grandpa is an app that allows individuals with and without disabilities to learn […]

10 Apps for Children with Learning and Attention Issues

Technology has opened up a whole new world for individuals with a myriad of learning disabilities.  It’s made practicing academic skills more exciting with educational games, in addition to making the classroom more accessible overall with apps like SnapType.  Several educational professionals have noted the advantages of these applications and more, and have set out to […]

Learn math with these fun apps!

Whether we like to accept it or not, math plays a significant role in our daily lives and is used consistently throughout each and every day.  Numerical figures are everywhere: classrooms, offices, banks, stores, and even at home!  Our age, the time of day, dates on foods that we eat, products that we buy–all of these things are influenced […]

4 apps to help the visually impaired in school

Without a doubt, technology offers endless benefits for people of all ages and backgrounds.  It is often being implemented in the classroom as it has been proven useful among students, especially those with special needs.  Because there are so many technological resources available, I felt it best to break them down into a series of blogs with specific categories.  Welcome […]

Apps for Apraxia and Dysphagia

In last Thursday’s blog, I covered a few apps from Smarty Ears that may help individuals with aphasia, a condition which affects an individual’s ability to express and understand both written and spoken language.  Further, the company also offers helpful tools for individuals with other communication conditions including apraxia and dysphagia. APRAXIA The first few apps are helpful resources for apraxia, which […]

Perkins’ LightAide: Fun and enlightened learning

There are many products and apps available to help children succeed academically.  However, several of these may easily lose a child’s attention and/or lack the necessary tools to construct a solid foundation for a child’s academic success.  There are many underlying factors that may contribute to a child’s education.  First, it is important to note that […]