Greg Blackman, VP at Eye Can See, Inc., shows us the OrCam, which helps individuals who are visually impaired read printed material and identify things. Check it out here: Click here for more information about the OrCam.
Posts with the monday tech tips tag
Keyguards from Keyguard Assistive Technology
Mark Larson, Owner of Keyguard Assistive Technology, shows us some of the keyguards they have that can assist people who have tremors or problems with fine motor control hit the correct key on a keyboard. Check it out here: Click her for more information about Keyguard Assistive Technology.
ElBraille & Focus 40 Blue
Greg Blackman, VP at Eye Can See, Inc., shows us the ElBraille notetaker & the Focus 40 Braille Display. These are portable braille devices designed for users who are blind. Check it out here: Click here to learn more about these products.
Monday Tech Tip: SmartVision 2
Jeff Garner, CEO, Irie-AT, shows us the SmartVision 2, which is a smartphone designed for Blind or visually impaired users. Check it out here: Click here for more information on the SmartVision 2.
Monday Tech Tip: Optelec Compact 6 HD Speech
Greg Blackman, VP, at EYE Can See, Inc. show us the Optelec Compact 6 HD Speech which is a handheld electronic magnifier with speech to text. Check it out here: Click here for more information on the Optelec Compact HD Speech.
Monday Tech Tip: Giraff by Camanio Care
Jasmine Dahlberg from Camanio Care shows us their telepresence robot called Giraff. This telepresence robot was designed with home care and healthcare staff in mind to be able to virtually visit patients. Check it out here: