What’s That You Hear? Podcasting with INDATA

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Supplies needed: a computer, portable media player or smartphone; a program for listening to MP3 audio files; an Internet connection; and earphones. What are you doing? Listening to a podcast. While podcasting is a relatively new term, its roots date all the way back to the 1980s, first known as […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

The INDATA Project is terrifically thankful for our audience, and for the assistive technology making the impossible possible! To kick off your holiday shopping, check back tomorrow for part one of our Holiday Podcast to get some great gift ideas for your friends and family. We had lots of fun recording the holiday podcasts (as demonstrated below) and we hope […]

How to keep up with us without really trying!

Whether you call it the Computer Age, Digital Age or Information Age, if you are reading this you are probably immersed in this world. By the late 90’s the Internet became mainstream in the United States. You can hardly go anywhere now without seeing a “hotspot” where you can get Internet access over a wireless […]

Friday Podcast

Information from the INDATA Project is now available via podcast! Every Friday, the INDATA Project will release two podcasts featuring new assistive technology projects. The podcasts are available for viewing on the INDATA Project website and on iTunes. The “Assistive Technology Update” is a fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts. The “Accessibility Minute” is […]