5 Alerting Indicators for Blind and Visually Impaired

There are many forms of assistive technology that may benefit individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  However, one type of assistive technology I’ve yet to discuss in depth is alerting indicators, which may benefit these individuals greatly.  Maxi Aids “offers the highest quality selections of liquid level indicators, talking alarm clocks, motion sensors, toilet level indicators, […]

Claria Zoom app for Android

Individuals who have macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc., commonly experience low vision.  Smartphones offer a myriad of benefits to their users, but individuals with visual impairments may be limited to its functions.  Claria Zoom is an award-winning app making these smartphones more accessible and easier-to-read for individuals with low vision. Claria Zoom is an Android app with a large character […]

ScanJig Pro

The iPhone and iPad already offer many accessible features and apps for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  However, many still find the need to purchase an additional (expensive!) scanner when they could simply use apps on smart devices with an affordable stand like the ScanJig Pro! According to its website, the ScanJig Pro is a […]

Tech Tip: Blindfold Video Poker App

For this week’s Tech Tip, our equipment loan specialist Justin Amber is going to introduce us to the Blindfold Video Poker app.  This is a free iOS app that allows individuals to enjoy video poker–without ever having to look at the screen!  NOTE: The money used in this game is fictitious and will rejuvenate after a certain […]

Tech Tip: PLEXTALK Pocket

For this week’s Tech Tip, Belva Smith is going to provide specifics on the PLEXTALK Pocket.  This is a convenient book reader that allows you to read books and review recorded lectures when you want, wherever you want! For more information on this product, visit the PLEXTALK website.

4 Weighted Wearables for Sensory Integration

Children and adults with autism, as well as those with other developmental or neurological disorders, are often hyperactive, easily distracted and lack concentration.  To help alleviate some of these symptoms, many may go through intense behavioral and/or occupational therapy, and are often put on a myriad of medications.  However, some of these treatments prove unsuccessful, as they may overlook the potential catalyst: […]