4 Functional Medication Dispensers

Is your parent getting older, but trying to remain as independent as possible?  There are many assistive technologies to make aging in place possible, such as GreatCall products, different alert indicators, home automation systems, and more.  Another type of assistive technology that can wholly benefit these individuals (and others) is medication dispensers.  Of course, there are the generic […]

PenFriend 2 Voice Labeling System

Individuals who are blind or visually impaired may often need assistance finding specific items around their home or office.  The PenFriend 2 is designed to make their lives easier as it is a voice labeling system that allows users to label anything and everything with discreet audio labels in their own voice. The PenFriend 2 is […]

4+ Solutions for Aging in Place

Looking for some way to help support your aging family member?  There are many smart devices available on the market with many beneficial features for seniors, however, the devices themselves aren’t specifically designed for them.  Fortunately, GreatCall Incorporated was founded specifically to provide solutions and support to those aging in place, and offers many easy-to-use devices to help them […]

BrailleNote Touch by Humanware

If you are a student or professional who is blind and seeking for a smart, accessible device to take notes, check out Humanware’s new BrailleNote Touch.  The company has noted the device to be, “The note taker of the future.” The BrailleNote Touch is the first certified Braille tablet providing access to the Google Play Store. […]

BoldWriter 40 – Pen for those with low vision

Although many tasks are now being done electronically through the use of smartphones, tablets, computers, etc., many still prefer to write things out on a good old-fashioned piece of paper.  (I am definitely one of these people as I love handwriting shopping lists, notes, numbers, etc.)  However, for individuals with low vision, they often can’t […]

5 Alerting Indicators for Blind and Visually Impaired

There are many forms of assistive technology that may benefit individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  However, one type of assistive technology I’ve yet to discuss in depth is alerting indicators, which may benefit these individuals greatly.  Maxi Aids “offers the highest quality selections of liquid level indicators, talking alarm clocks, motion sensors, toilet level indicators, […]