For young children with visual impairments, there are additional challenges in terms of child development. Many experts believe that children with visual impairments develop more slowly than their peers, but now research proves there is just as much “variability in terms of when they acquire a skill.” As is the case with other children, practicing skills as […]
Posts with the Visually Impaired tag
11 Blindfold games for the visually impaired
Confession: I love playing games—board games, video games, word games, you name it! My iPhone has so conveniently brought the world of games to the palms of my hands. Playing games is a fun way for me to pass the time when I’m waiting for the bus, or sitting in a waiting room at the doctor. Even after a […]
BlindShell: smartphone app for visually impaired
Both Android and iOS devices offer accessibility features for visually impaired users, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver. With these features enabled, consumers with visual impairments are able to navigate their phones with the phone talking to them, letting them know apps they have access to and more. Though such accessibility features are beneficial, they may […]
Not Just Another School Year
Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing It’s time to head back to school! The heat of summer still lingers, but students and their families are buying school supplies, packing backpacks and getting ready for another school year. The transition from summer to school can be tough — and even more difficult for students with disabilities or […]
5 Apple Watch Apps for Visually Impaired
It’s almost been one year since Apple announced its first ever wearable, the Apple Watch. Since its official release back in April, several individuals have experienced the convenience of the wearable. How might those with visual impairments reap the benefits of the watch too? AppleVis has provided a great directory of Apple Watch apps that are partially […]