Last week, I wrote a post on the new portable video magnifier called the TOPAZ PHD. For this week’s Tech Tip, we’re going to show you this exciting new product. Check this out! To learn more on this product, visit the Freedom Scientific website.
Posts with the Visually Impaired tag
Tech Tip: PLEXTALK Pocket
For this week’s Tech Tip, Belva Smith is going to provide specifics on the PLEXTALK Pocket. This is a convenient book reader that allows you to read books and review recorded lectures when you want, wherever you want! For more information on this product, visit the PLEXTALK website.
Watching Films with a Unique View
Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing It’s the film award season! It’s the time of the year between November and February when most of the important film award ceremonies take place — everything from the Hollywood Film Awards and Golden Globe Awards to the Screen Actors Guild Awards and culminating with the Academy Awards. The big […]
Pay-it-forward with ‘Be My Eyes’ app
The App Store offers countless apps to get us through both our personal and professional lives. The possibilities are virtually limitless with the many productivity, social networking, navigation, reference apps (and more!)–all readily available at our fingertips. However, the Be My Eyes app goes beyond the daily grind, offering users the ability to help others without leaving the comfort of their couch. Oftentimes, daily […]
Visually Impaired Can ‘See’ with Enactive Torch
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 3.4 million Americans aged 40 and older are legally blind or visually impaired. By 2030, that number is expected to rise to 6 million as more baby boomers develop diabetes and age-related disease. The CDC also notes that vision loss is among the top 10 causes of […]
Tech Tip: The Tile
Never lose your items again with the Tile! Our director of assistive technology here, Wade Wingler, shows us what to expect with this handy product. Check it out! To learn more, visit our blog post on The Tile App or go to