With the influx of smart phone technology showing no signs of slowing down, universal accessibility has become a concern, and is often times a flaw of smart phone design. Fortunately, the Apple iPhone is one product on the market that has made accessibility a priority. The VoiceOver program is a screen reader for iPhone that […]
Posts with the Visually Impaired tag
Tech Tip Monday: NVDA
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Tech Tip: EVAS from ATIA Chicago, 2010
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Tech Tip Monday: ViewPlus from ATIA Chicago, 2010
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Tech Tip Monday: Humanware from ATIA Chicago, 2010
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Social Media Accessibility
Social media has created a newer, faster and more efficient way of communication than ever before. Forget typewriters, postcards, and letters when you can send a message over Facebook that will be received in seconds. But have you stopped to think about the accessibility of these ever-growing platforms? Screen-reading programs are used by the visually […]