Today we would like to introduce you to the President and Founder of the Indiana Deaf-Blind Association, Donald Aills. Donald is also on a Sub-Committee for the Mayor’s Advice Council on Disability, a member of the the American Association of the Deaf-Blind, and a member of the Indiana Deaf-Blind Task Force.
INDATA: Are you from Indianapolis?
Donald: Yes, I live in Indianapolis.
INDATA: Tell us a little about a day in the life of someone who is Deaf-Blind.
Donald: Well, my life is very boring since I became blind (in 1998). I cannot see to go outside- can’t watch my favorite movies on TV. I started to use the PAC Mate and regular computer in 2006. It helped keep me a little busy, and then I joined a listserv at American Association of the Deaf-Blind and Deaf-Blind Techies.
INDATA: What type of assistive technology devices do you use?
Donald: A computer with a screen reader and a portable note taker that show information in refreshable Braille. I also use tactile alert devices to let me know when someone is at the door or when the phone rings.
INDATA: How does assistive technology increase your independence?
Donald: It’s a big help for more independent living. Most Deaf-Blind people, including myself, love to use email to communicate with each other, and it’s much better than telephone/TTY use. It’s easy to use, and I can save conversations as files (My Documents). Technology has done a lot to help the Deaf-Blind community grow in Indiana.
INDATA: What are some of your favorite activities?
Donald: I play bowling games, cards, and chat.
INDATA: What are some concerns the Deaf-Blind community has?
Donald: The state needs to have a Deaf-Blind services agency. Also, we need some Support Services Providers (SSPs) to help Deaf-Blind people become more independent.
INDATA: What suggestions do you have for hearing and sighted people wanting to interact with the Deaf-Blind community?
Donald: HMMMMM! Meet and tell people who have both hearing loss and visual loss to become involved with us at the Indiana Deaf-Blind Association to help the Deaf-Blind community to build up!